ME: is ur guppies getting arched backs?
ME: well i know how to fix dat!
YOU: how?
ME: you cut off the ends of their tails!
YOU: WTF are u talking about u crazy person!
ME: well their tails are being weighed down by their long tails.
YOU: sooooo?
ME: u trim the edges. Justa lil tho dont wanna cut them too short.
YOU: why not?
ME: Then they won't be able to swim, DUH!
YOU: oh okay well then. So what if it hurts them.
ME: it doesnt. DUHHHH why would we do tht then?
YOU: ....
ME: ya dats right. A point for,,, the GUPPPY LUVER! WHO KNOWS IT ALL
Haha this was funny! And i checked out that fanfic website u were talkin bout! It's actually super fun! And guess what? It's free, u prob already knew tht and stuff but i dint so ya.... email me back and i'll tell u my username and we can read eachother's stories! Coolios! LOVING UR BLOG! kk bi