Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Treat em' right
- heater (70 F to 80 F)
- food (everyday, one fasting day a week)
- water change (25% once a week)
- air pump
- filter
- and.... LOT'S OF YOUR
so plz, take care of em' rite!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Boo hoo! In my guppy tank, two fish died ):
1. female
2. male
yup, im sad.
Oh well, everyone has to die some day. :/
female fishie male guppy
im outta here peeps!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Just an update on my guppies! I had a guppy give birth in my tank two days ago. I saved two in total. Now I have around 20 guppy fry in one tank! All different ages! LOL! They just get bigger n bigger! They are adorable! Any questions on guppies? Just ask!
Im outaa heere!
Tell ur friends bout my blog!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Big Baby Guppy!
I finally have a baby guppy that is big enough to put back in the main tank! In a week or so... Haha! Well the guppy is a female and she is twice the size of the smallest guppies in the baby guppy tank. Yippee! I'll let you know what happens later!
I'm outta here!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Guppies (justa update!)
imma outta
Monday, August 20, 2012
Dropsy o.O
Symptons: bloating, scales sticks out so the fish looks like a pinecone, eyes pop out, bulging stomach and sides,
Dropsy is not a disease it's more of a symptom. For all intensive purposes we will call it one. It's really an internal bacterial infection usually caused by poor water quality.
Treatments: Dropsy is not very contagious; however, Fish usually die from this, but in some cases where the problem is due to bacteria, if detected early enough, it can be treated.
It's possibly the hardest internal bacterial infection to cure. There are a number of medications available such as penicillin, tetracycline and naladixic acid. The fish usually doesn't make it. By the time the scales begin to raise, however, it is very fatal to the fish. Salt baths can help to draw the fluid out of the fish. A variety of medications can be purchased that treat dropsy, which sometimes occurs due to an internal bacterial problem. Medications for external bacterial problems only will not be effective for this problem.
If your fish does have dropsy, make sure you isolate that fish. Dropsy is not considered contagious. But just in case, you should isolate it.
Imma outta!
With the help of fishdeals.com!
Eeww pineconing gives my goose bumps! No idea why!
We just got another fish! He's quite the newbie! He's a clown loach!
My betta fish!
*Oh ya, the second pic, where he looks green, that's because the camera was on flash. Same fish!
Friday, August 17, 2012
thank you! :DD
To whoever like my post. Even that post wasn't the best, I'm really quite glad that you like it!
Thanks again!
Please comment and like!
btw im not obessed, just really bored ^____^
Here's a pic....
*they need a big tank to swim around in if they are with small annoying fish like mollies, tetras, glo fish, ect....
They eat tropical food.
Angelfish are NOT cichlids! But they do come from the same south waters as South American Cichlids.
Angelfish do get very big.
My Angelfish is in a 30 gallon tank with a few other tropical fish. A total of 12 ffish in a 30 gallon tank.
If you LOVE this fish like me and you have a suitable home for it, go get one!
Oooh ya sorry about the picture, it's not straight. :(
Problem with Molly!
So I had one female and one male molly. Both Gold Dust mollies. (I know I know, ratio has to be 3:1) But the male was half the size of the female and the female just ignored him and was fine. But then...
The gourami (Ugh) kept chasing the mollies. Everday. Then one day, the male molly mysteriously died! What happened?! Who knows? Well I figured it might be the gourami since he's chasing my mollies. LOL, it was halarious because the male molly was chasing the female and the gourami was chasing the male! :D
So I'm giving my gourami to a LFS for some store credit later today.
So after her 'beloved' died, my molly went on and on living her days. But she has this one itsy bitsy problem.
Every night she looks HUGE! But I don't put her in a breeder box because 1. the attacker gourami is in it AND 2. I let her have the babies in plants so she doesn't get stressed. So anyways the next morning I check my tank and she is skinny! But not like just had birth skinny, but like just got pregnant skinny. Like she was a week pregnant. What is wrong with my fish??!
This has happened almost once a week. She hasn't gave birth in 4 months. I know that because I see no fry and my tank is heavily planted with structures and fake plants.
well i hope i find help soon.
imma outta herea!
Betta check no. 2
Okay so I woke up this morning and I looked into my big community tank. I remember putting the gourami in the breeder box. I checked on my betta to see if he was okay.
He seemed fine! :D Although he doesn't swim around the tank, he's healthy! So I just gotta watch the next few days... Wish me luck!
well i'm outta here! See ya!
How many tank per fish?
One inch of fish to one gallon.
So if you had a 10 gallon, you could have 10 fish! But of course some people over stock....
Like me... Oops! But my fish are very healthy. I only have 2 extra fish in my tank for the 1 inch to gallon thing. So I'll be okay. :)
Lol! Well i'm outta here!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
New betta in community tank! Aggressiveness????
So when I went to PetCo, I bought a betta fish. He's gorgeous!! He's a Double Tail Male Betta. Amazingly beautiful! And I know I can put him in because I read the compatibility chapter in the book at PETCO. I know, geek I am. Anyways right when I put him in he swam into the corner. I kinda expected that though. You guys are probably like, no duh! Ya ok anyways the betta fish swam to the front corner of the tank. The gourami cornered him and started poking him with his tentacles stuff. I don't know what they're called. And the gourami started attacking him. Kinda like it was beating him up. So I put the gourami in a breeder tank thing. It was soooo hard catch! Well I guess that's it for now. Wish me luck.
Scared da heck outta me :O
O-M-G. When I came home from PetCo, I looked in my tank because I was going to feed my baby guppy fry who were in a breeding net, and I saw that a adult male guppy jumped in! I was freaking out! I quickly grabbed the net and scooped him out without taking any fry with him. Phew! That was a close one. I counted my fry. 19. Perfect! I guess when the male jumped in he was trying to get out so he didn't notice the guppy fry! How lucky am I?! Phewfta! o.O
5 great ways to see and learn about guppy birth!!
around 5 great links to help you see guppy birth! And what they look like too!
1. Get an account on Tropical Fish Forums.
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFkBjD2Le3k GUPPY GIVING BIRTH (very funny!)
3. http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/285369-a-mollys-story-from-one-drop-to-the-next/ (MOLLIES ARE ACTUALLY VERY SIMILAR TO GUPPIES)
4. Google images. Search up guppy birth. (JUST CHECK IT OUT, THERE'S LOTS OF PICS)
5. aaaaanddd.... uh... so ya i don't know anymore ;)
How to tell if your guppy is in labor!! :S
LOL that was awkward ;)
1: Hiding in or behind plants
2: Not eating
3: Vicious nipping (my guppy chased other females, not just males)
4: Hiding in corners. Isolating themselves if with other guppies
5. Their butt hole will look bigger. They actually dilate! (o.O)
6: They shake. Also known as shimmying and shivering. These are contractions. (x2 o.O)
7: They arch their backs. (tail goes up, head pointed downwards.) They might shake a little.
8: Swimming around the whole tank. (Looking for a place to have their babies)
9: If you expect someone is giving birth in your tank but you don't know who, sometimes in my tank I notice a whole bunch of guppies following one guppy. Most of the times that's the guppy giving birth.
10: Laziness. They don't move as much.
Hey all my fellow readers!
THIS IS THE BLOG ALL ABOUT GUPPIES!we or I ( :P) know everything about guppies.So comment and I will help you!
**email: LUVMYGUPPIES@gmail.com Luv ya all, and my guppies! :DPlease comment and email! I really want to help people! I remember when it was MY first time breeding guppies! ;) *wink wink*