Monday, August 20, 2012

Dropsy o.O

Dropsy is a disease that fish can get. There is no cure to dropsy. It's kind of like cancer. But not all the time you die with cancer. Dropsy has a high percentage that your fish will die. My guppy had it and she died.

Symptons: bloating, scales sticks out so the fish looks like a pinecone, eyes pop out, bulging stomach and sides,

Dropsy is not a disease it's more of a symptom. For all intensive purposes we will call it one. It's really an internal bacterial infection usually caused by poor water quality.

Treatments: Dropsy is not very contagious; however, Fish usually die from this, but in some cases where the problem is due to bacteria, if detected early enough, it can be treated.
It's possibly the hardest internal bacterial infection to cure. There are a number of medications available such as penicillin, tetracycline and naladixic acid. The fish usually doesn't make it. By the time the scales begin to raise, however, it is very fatal to the fish. Salt baths can help to draw the fluid out of the fish. A variety of medications can be purchased that treat dropsy, which sometimes occurs due to an internal bacterial problem. Medications for external bacterial problems only will not be effective for this problem.

If your fish does have dropsy, make sure you isolate that fish. Dropsy is not considered contagious. But just in case, you should isolate it.

Imma outta!

With the help of!

 betta with dropsy (pinecone scales)

 guppy with dropsy (bloating)

 guppy with dropsy (pineconing and a little side bulging)

Eeww pineconing gives my goose bumps! No idea why!

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