LOL that was awkward ;)
1: Hiding in or behind plants
2: Not eating
3: Vicious nipping (my guppy chased other females, not just males)
4: Hiding in corners. Isolating themselves if with other guppies
5. Their butt hole will look bigger. They actually dilate! (o.O)
6: They shake. Also known as shimmying and shivering. These are contractions. (x2 o.O)
7: They arch their backs. (tail goes up, head pointed downwards.) They might shake a little.
8: Swimming around the whole tank. (Looking for a place to have their babies)
9: If you expect someone is giving birth in your tank but you don't know who, sometimes in my tank I notice a whole bunch of guppies following one guppy. Most of the times that's the guppy giving birth.
10: Laziness. They don't move as much.
LOL that was awkward ;)
1: Hiding in or behind plants
2: Not eating
3: Vicious nipping (my guppy chased other females, not just males)
4: Hiding in corners. Isolating themselves if with other guppies
5. Their butt hole will look bigger. They actually dilate! (o.O)
6: They shake. Also known as shimmying and shivering. These are contractions. (x2 o.O)
7: They arch their backs. (tail goes up, head pointed downwards.) They might shake a little.
8: Swimming around the whole tank. (Looking for a place to have their babies)
9: If you expect someone is giving birth in your tank but you don't know who, sometimes in my tank I notice a whole bunch of guppies following one guppy. Most of the times that's the guppy giving birth.
10: Laziness. They don't move as much.
Thank you do much. I really needed to find when my guppy was going to have it's babys. Love your blog